{title: Ancient Words} {subtitle: } {comment:Verse 1} Holy wor[D]ds lo[A]ng pre[Bm]served, For our wa[G]lk in this wo[A]rld They res[D]ound with G[A]od’s own h[Bm]eart, O let the a[G]ncient [D]words [A]impart[D] {comment:Verse 2} Words of[D] life, W[A]ords of h[Bm]ope, Give us s[G]trength, Help us c[A]ope In this [D]world where e[A]’er we ro[Bm]am, Ancient w[G]ords will [D]guide [A]us h[D]ome {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus} Ancient [D]words ever t[A]rue, Changing [Em]me and [D]changing y[G]ou [A]We have [D]come with o[A]pen h[Bm]earts, O let the a[G]ncient wo[D]rds im--p[A]art[D] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 3} Holy wor[D]ds o[A]f our f[Bm]aith, Handed do[G]wn to this a[A]ge Came to [D]us through s[A]acrifi[Bm]ce, O heed the f[G]aithful w[D]ords [A]of [D]Christ {comment:Verse 1} Holy wor[D]ds lo[A]ng pre[Bm]served, For our wa[G]lk in this wo[A]rld They res[D]ound with G[A]od’s own h[Bm]eart, O let the a[G]ncient [D]words [A]impart[D] {comment:chorus X 2} {Key: D}